In itself, this giving a keynote address at the colloquium [first- ever in-pseron gathering hosted by the AEN in 2014] was a lifetime opportunity to be on that spotlight.

by Ekwaro Obuku

Dr Ekwaro Obuku became a member of the Africa Evidence Network (AEN) at the 2014 colloquium in South Africa. He felt and thought the AEN was a more African led and flexible platform beyond the usual clinical/health realm, and wanted to play a more significant role beyond just being a member and so joined the AEN Reference group.

For him the most important event that has fundamentally changed something for him was being given an opportunity to make a key note address at AEN colloquium (conference). He says, “In itself, this giving a keynote address at the colloquium [the first-ever in-person gathering hosted by the AEN in 2014] was a lifetime opportunity to be on that spotlight".

The one aspect of the AEN that has had the most value is networking for joint action with the AEN and other partners and mentions some of the activities as follows; co-grant applications, co-training, showcasing the work that he is involved with. He excitedly noted that the AEN facilitated links for him to train professionals and apply for grants together with ACE.

Ekwaro Obuku, physician, researcher and health policy expert at College of Health Sciences, Makerere University and president of Uganda Medical Assoc.
~ Ekwaro Obuku, physician, researcher and health policy expert at College of Health Sciences, Makerere University and president of Uganda Medical Assoc.