Training Course On Social Protection

Conference  2024-11-25 12:00 a.m.    2024-11-29 12:00 a.m.

Training Course On Social Protection


This course focuses on getting you up to speed with current knowledge, evidence and practice of social protection. It offers a unique opportunity for policy makers, practitioners and researchers to broaden their knowledge base and gain critical insight into the most recent thinking about social protection.


5 Days


This course targets policy makers, practitioners, NGOs, and researchers who want to broaden their knowledge base and gain critical insight into the most recent thinking about social protection.


This course provides a broad-based overview of main approaches to social protection, issues around design and implementation, available evidence and ‘hot topics’ in social protection. It is organized around three main themes:

  • Building a knowledge base on social protection
  • Designing and implementing social protection programmes
  • Evidence of what works in social protection

Participants will be engaged in an interactive manner and are strongly invited to share their own experiences and views on social protection throughout the course.


Module 1: Building a knowledge base on social protection

  • Introduction to social protection
  • Models of social protection
  • Social protection instruments
  • Institutional and regional approaches to social protection
  • The role of social protection in reducing poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion

Module 2: Designing and implementing social protection programmes

  • Targeting social protection
  • Delivering social protection
  • Social protection systems
  • The design of social protection and cash transfer programmes
  • Implementation issues, including registration, targeting, payment and information systems

Module 3: Evidence of what works in social protection

  • Current evidence on social protection
  • Evaluation and policy analysis

Module 4: Monitoring Social Protection

  • Monitoring and evaluation approaches for social protection systems
  • Case studies of successful programmes around the world

Module 5: Best Practices

  • World Bank’s Social risk management (SRM
  • Source of social risks
  • Prevention strategies
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Coping strategies
  • Kenya’s social protection system


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to