The workbook will help implementers identify existing and planned data sources; prioritize evaluation research questions; and determine the roles, responsibilities, and timelines for answering the research questions. The process of developing an evaluation plan in cooperation with a group of stakeholders will foster collaboration, shared purpose, and transparency, thereby ensuring that stakeholders agree on the purpose and use of the evaluation’s findings. A plan also deflects wasted effort and ensures that information is available to answer the agreed-upon questions.
This workbook describes a six-step process for developing a written evaluation plan: (1) engage stakeholders; (2) know your program; (3) know your evaluation needs; (4) select the evaluation design; (5) draft the evaluation plan; and (6) ensure use. Extensive field testing of this process assures that that users will successfully produce a complete evaluation plan that is wholly owned by the stakeholders who participate in the process.
Although this workbook was developed in the context of evaluation planning for HIV programs, many stakeholders involved in the pilot and field applications come from other sectors. The variety of users suggests that this process can be applied successfully in other health areas and sectors.