The CEBMa Guideline for Rapid Evidence Assessments in Management and Organizations is the official guideline that describes in detail the process of conducting a rapid evidence assessment (REA) of the scientific literature on a managerial topic of interest. The aim of this guideline is to help authors to conduct an REA that meets the quality standards of the Center for Evidence Based Management (CEBMa).
As such, it provides guidance on how to conduct an REA that is explicit about the question it poses, as well as being transparent, verifiable, and reproducible in terms of how the answers to this question are derived. Although many guidelines are available on how to summarize scientific literature, most are written for specific areas, such as medicine, education or public policy. In addition, the majority of guidelines of this type are written for systematic reviews, rather than for rapid evidence assessments. By providing a guideline that sets the appropriate standard for conducting an REA, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the added value of REAs among managers and leaders, and to provide guidance to authors who aspire to conduct an REA on topics relevant to management and organizations.