Evidence 2023 online programme slot: Day 2, Slot 7: 16:15-17:00
Policy-relevant evidence maps aim to facilitate the use of evidence by decision-makers by allowing them to rapidly access a body of evidence relevant to their policy questions. This evidence is mapped against a policy framework and visualised on an interactive evidence interface to allow decision makers to interrogate and engage with the evidence. In this, they present a method to inform decision-making using the best available evidence. By appraising all policy-relevant evidence on a policy question, they ensure that decision-makers engage with evidence that is trustworthy. They also make the use of evidence less labour-intensive and more engaging. Decision-makers who wish to use evidence have a repository of the available evidence at hand that they can tailor to their own needs and access only the type of evidence they require and trust. Evidence maps thereby encourage public servants to consult a variety of evidence when making decisions rather than consulting individual studies and reports, or selected experts and consultants.
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