UNICEF has an obligation to invest where it makes a difference for children. The expectation that our policy and programme interventions will be evaluated, and expanded or replicated elsewhere only if supported by reliable evidence, has become established UNICEF practice in recent years. Partners and other stakeholders increasingly request that counterfactual evaluation designs be used to appraise the worth of an intervention in order to maximise its positive impact and prevent wastage of sparse resources.
Recognizing the importance of impact evaluation to UNICEF’s work, the Office of Research – Innocenti has collaborated with RMIT University, BetterEvaluation and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) to produce a series of methodological briefs and videos on the topic. The series covers the building blocks of impact evaluation, strategies for causal attribution, and different data collection and analysis methods.
To explore the briefs in this series click on the different modules in matrix.